River Turns One! 

My baby boy is officially 12 months old today. I can’t believe he has been in our lives for an entire year. It is honestly so emotional looking back on this past year. My baby has learned so many things and has such a huge personality. 

River is growing like a weed , he is 25 1/2 pounds , and almost 32 inches long. 

River isn’t quite walking yet. But he can stand unassisted, climb on everything, crawl faster than most humans walk, and he runs while pushing his walker lol! 

River can wave bye bye , he can clap, he points at people, he can give the sweetest kisses and hugs and he can play the drums on just about anything. 

River can say mama, dada, baba, no no , and he says ahhhhh for Oscar (my moms dog) 

We can’t wait to celebrate River Turing one tomorrow with our friends and family. ❤️